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Showing posts from July, 2020

WFH Tips Tricks and Drinks

Someone in China contracted COVID 19 whilst lunching on a medium rare bat, which escalated to the point where a chubby, beer marinated man in media is working from a garden chair in a semi furnished house (moved on day of lock down) with the, now, familiar tones of Mr. Fucking Tumble relentlessly drilling into my skull (anyone with with kids of a relative age to mine will understand this). How do you maintain a working balance? Tip number one. This is not a holiday. I am now working more than I ever have. In fact, I reckon on average I am working an additional 2-3 hours per day. This doesn't even factor all the fucking around I used to do in the office. So, there is no balance. Teams/zoom/whatever becomes a chain around your neck that ties you to a desk far more effectively than the omnipresent glare of a manager ever could, as it is your only way of doing anything now. There is no give, prepare to spend the next 9-12 hours staring at a flat, pixelated version of the people you